


Last night when I was relaxing, finishing dinner and taking a bath, I got a phone call from Ms. Y saying if I want horse mackerels, although they are tiny. Since there is no reason for me to refuse, I accepted her kind offer. She seemed to have called from the fishing site. While I was waiting for her arrival, I checked how to make “Marinated Deep-fried Horse Mackerel” on google. After a while plenty of small horse mackerels in the plastic bag arrived at my house. In fact I have never seen such tiny horse mackerels before! I followed the process which I learned online a few minutes ago. It took 30 or 40 minutes to take out the internal organs of the fish. After rinsing the fish, drying them and sprinkling salt on them, I fried them putting potato starch on them. Finally I put them into sweet vinegar with vegetables. It is also so good to eat fried horse mackerels directly. I didn’t expect to get such fresh fish from Hokuriku sea. Thank you so much Ms. Y!